Complications of Untreated Nasal Polyps: Potential Risks and Long-Term Effects

Understanding Nasal Polyps and Their Impact on Health

Nasal polyps are soft,noncancerous growths inside the nose and sinuses. They hang like drops or pears,partially obstructing the nasal airway.

Nasal polyps form because of constant irritation of the internal lining of the nose from allergies,asthma,and other chronic or long-lasting inflammatory diseases.

Nasal polyps can impact health by continuing the cycle of chronic inflammation.

Chronic inflammation causes nasal polyps. Nasal polyps obstruct the nasal airway and worsen the inflammation. Thus,visiting your health professional for diagnosis,treatment,and prognosis is important.

The Connection Between Nasal Polyps and Chronic Inflammatory Disease

It is not yet understood why some people develop nasal polyps while others don’t. There is evidence that people with different immune system responses develop polyps and people with different chemical markers in their nasal lining that produce mucus. Nasal polyps are most common in young adults and middle-aged adults.

Nasal polyps are associated with chronic nasal and sinus inflammation,aka chronic rhinosinusitis,lasting 12 weeks or more. Chronic rhinosinusitis can result from chronic inflammatory diseases such as recurring infections or allergies. 

Potential complications can arise from the coexistence of nasal polyps and chronic inflammatory diseases. Nasal polyps can block airflow and normal drainage in the nasal cavity,negatively impacting recovery. Complications then occur if left untreated. 

Recognizing the Symptoms of Nasal Polyps

Chronic sinusitis with nasal symptoms can feel like a cold. But a cold goes away after a few days. Here are common symptoms associated with nasal polyps:

  • Persistent stuffiness that causes difficulty breathing through the nose
  • Less sense of smell
  • Less sense of taste
  • Postnasal drip that causes a constant need to swallow
  • Runny nose
  • Snoring
  • Headache
  • Pain over the face and in upper teeth
  • Pressure over your forehead and face where the sinuses are
  • Itching around the eyes
  • Cough
  • Frequent nosebleeds

Why Seeking Healthcare Provider Expertise is Essential

With the symptoms and cascading complications from chronic inflammation,it is important to consult your healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment. They can diagnose based on your symptoms and medical history through their expertise. Or they can refer you to other healthcare providers that can give diagnostic tests. Here are diagnostic tools and techniques healthcare providers can use to confirm whether you have nasal polyps.


Your healthcare provider can use a non-invasive technique by looking into your nasal cavity with a lighted instrument called a nasoscope or otoscope.

Nasal Endoscopy

Your healthcare provider can perform a nasal endoscopy if the nasal polyp is possibly deeper inside your sinuses. In this procedure,your healthcare provider will guide a thin,lightweight,and flexible tube with a light and camera on the end into your nasal passages.


Once polyps are confirmed in the nasal cavity,the healthcare provider must know their exact size and location. They will use a CT scan or MRI scan to do so. The scans will confirm if the polyps have deformed the bone area or rule out other types of growth,such as cancerous growth.

Allergy Tests

Aside from finding polyps,your healthcare provider must also determine the source of your chronic inflammation. They may perform allergy tests.

Allergy tests involve testing liquid variations of different allergens on the skin of your forearm or upper back. You may feel minimal pricking after the substances make contact with your skin. After 15 minutes,your healthcare provider will check for allergic reactions.

Blood Test

They may also order a blood test to check for low levels of Vitamin D associated with nasal polyps.

Potential Risks of Untreated Nasal Polyps

If left untreated,complications can arise and affect nasal function and breathing with long-term effects. Nasal polyps and chronic inflammation can increase susceptibility to sinus infections and cause recurrent allergies. With obstructed nasal function,breathing is also affected,causing reduced sleep quality and fatigue. 

Increased Susceptibility to Sinus Infections and Recurrent Allergies

Untreated nasal polyps can also worsen the symptoms of sinus infections and allergies. It can block nasal passages and prevent drainage of stagnant mucus. Prolonged inflammation can weaken the body’s immune response and cause complications such as:

  • Bacterial sinus infections of the tissues around the brain and spinal cord (meningitis)
  • Bacterial sinus infections of the sinus bones (osteitis)
  • Bacterial sinus infections of the tissues around the eye (orbital cellulitis)
  • Asthmatic flare-ups

The Importance of Timely Diagnosis and Treatment

Due to the possible complications of untreated nasal polyps,early detection and intervention is important. With timely diagnosis,symptoms can be managed and avoid complications. Below are the two treatment options for nasal polyps: medical treatment,such as nasal sprays,and surgical intervention. 

Medications and Nasal Sprays in Managing Nasal Polyps

There are different medications to reduce polyp size and relieve symptoms of congestion.

  • Nasal Steroids
  • Oral Corticosteroids
  • Injectable corticosteroids
  • Dupilumab
  • Antihistamine and Antibiotics

Surgical Intervention: When is it Necessary?

An indication for surgical intervention is the persistence of symptoms,even with drug treatment. Most surgical procedures for nasal polyp removal are outpatient procedures.

General or local anesthesia is used for the surgery. General anesthesia makes the patient unconscious for the procedure,so they don’t feel any pain. Patients under local anesthesia may feel pressure with no discomfort.

Polypectomy requires a microdebride that cuts the polyps into small pieces as it moves back and forth. At the same time,its suction removes the debrided tissue.

Endoscopic sinus surgery is used to remove larger polyps. The endoscope allows the healthcare provider to see inside your nose. Specialized instruments are used to remove the polyps.

Trust Puget Sound Sinus Center for Expert Care

If nasal polyps are left untreated,diagnosis and treatment can seem daunting. But with Puget Sound Sinus Center by your side,we ensure a comfortable experience with holistic patient-centered care. 

Puget Sound Sinus Center comprises a team of experienced sinus specialists dedicated to giving patients personalized and compassionate care with state-of-the-art treatments and advanced techniques.

Click below for more information

Dr. Amy Anstead

How Much Money Can You Make on Social Security Disability?

Being disabled can be expensive. The great news is that Social Security Insurance (SSDI) benefits have risen by 8.7%. We at Marken Law will explore how much money you can make on SSDI benefits this 2023.

What is Substantial Gainful Activity,and How Does it Affect Your SSDI Benefits?

If you make more money than $1,470 (or $2,460 for the visually impaired) monthly,the SSA (Social Security Administration) will identify you as having Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA). This limit means SSA has marked you as independent enough to make a living without needing benefits. 

How Much Money Can You Earn on SSDI?

The SGA does not include income streams that are not directly from employment. These income streams include investments,your spouse’s income,and other assets. 

For example,you earn below $1,400 as a contractual freelancer with a disability. But you have added financial support from your monthly dividends. SSA will not count those dividends. They will only consider your wages as a contractual freelancer and qualify you for SSDI benefits. 

Can You Still Receive my SSDI Benefits if my Income Surpasses the SGA?

Yes,you can still receive your SSDI benefits within a Trial Work Period (TWP). This period is the first nine months you earn above the SGA amount. 

TWP only counts the months you earned above SGA. You can subtract expenses related to your disability from your earnings to determine your monthly income.

If you earned $1,500 a month and paid $35 for monthly adaptive equipment,your actual earning is $1,465. Therefore,you will not enter TWP.

However,what if you get a raise and earn $1,600 for one month? After you pay $35 for your monthly adaptive equipment,you will still have $1,565. That is more than the SGA limit. Your income then counts as one month of TWP. 

But if your income drops below $1,470,it will not be counted as another month of TWP.

During the nine months of earning above the SGA,you’ll continue receiving your SSDI. However,when TWP ends,and you still make above the SGA,the SSA will consider you no longer disabled,and your SSDI payments will stop. 

But depending on your case,TWP can be extended. 

What Other Reasons Your SSDI Benefits Might Stop?

There are other scenarios when your SSDI benefits discontinue. For example,some scenarios related to the age limit:

  • You reach retirement age at 66. You’re eligible for Social Security retirement benefits instead.
  • You’re a dependent who turned 18. Suppose you receive benefits as a dependent minor. Once you turn 18,the benefits may stop.

Another factor when your SSDI benefits may change is if you get incarcerated:

  • Charged with a misdemeanor. Your benefits may continue unless you are imprisoned for 30 days or more. The good news is that it will continue a month after your release. However,your case may differ if you participate in a rehabilitation program.
  • Charged with a felony but was not incarcerated. Your SSDI may be canceled. 

How Can You Maintain Your SSDI Benefits?

To maintain your SSDI benefits,always maintain contact with:

  • Your Doctor. Having as many regular checkups with your doctor as possible will help confirm that you still have a disability. 
  • The SSA. Notifying them of changes to your circumstances will allow them to instruct you on keeping your benefits.

For example,if you get a job without notifying the SSA first,they may consider you no longer disabled. They will then schedule a re-examination of your SSDI qualifications or cancel your benefits. 

Will the Income Limit for SSDI Affect my SSI? 

While SSDI is based on disability and work credits,Social Security Income (SSI) is based on age or disability with limited income and resources.

The answer will vary from person to person. Whether you qualify for SSD and/or SSI will depend on the nature of your disability and income. We advise you to qualify and find out rather than never trying at all. 

Do I Qualify for SSDI and SSI Benefits?

SSDI benefits have increased by 8.7% this 2023. This is excellent news for people with disabilities who need government support. However,an advocate can make a difference in qualifying for your needed benefits. 

Here at Marken Law,we present our clients’ cases and file the paperwork. To get the benefits you deserve,please check out social security disability

The Ultimate Guide to the Osaki OS-3D Otamic LE Massage Chair

The modern age has brought with it numerous technological advancements, with one of the most luxurious being the home massage chair. Leading the pack in innovation and relaxation is the Osaki OS-3D Otamic LE Massage Chair. In this guide, we dive deep into what makes this chair a must-have for every modern home.

Key Features of the Osaki OS-3D Otamic LE Massage Chair

3D Ergonomic SL-Track Massage

At the heart of the Osaki OS-3D Otamic LE is its 53″ SL-Track design. This ergonomic feature ensures that the chair contours perfectly to the curves of your spine. Gone are the days of awkward massage points or missed tension spots. The SL-Track delivers a massage experience like no other, making every session feel like you’re in the hands of a professional masseuse.

Zero-Gravity Massage Experience

Imagine a massage session where your entire body feels weightless, enhancing every massage stroke. The zero-gravity feature of the Osaki OS-3D Otamic LE provides just that. By allowing for optimal weight distribution, this feature amplifies the massage’s therapeutic benefits, ensuring deep relaxation every time.

15-Minute Rate Timer

Finding the sweet spot for a massage duration can be tricky. Too short, and you’re left wanting more; too long, and it can be overwhelming. The Osaki OS-3D Otamic LE cleverly includes a 15-minute rate timer, providing the perfect amount of relaxation in each session.

Detailed Dimensions: Upright vs. Reclined

One of the concerns many potential buyers have is the space a modern massage chair might occupy. The Osaki OS-3D Otamic LE, when upright, measures a comfortable 29.5” in width, 62″ in length, and 46.5″ in height. However, when you’re ready to recline and dive into relaxation, the chair stretches out to 67.7” in length while maintaining its width and reducing its height to 34”.

Design and Aesthetic Options

Apart from functionality, the Osaki OS-3D Otamic LE doesn’t skimp on aesthetics. With options like Taupe and Brown, there’s a design to fit every home interior. Its modern design coupled with these color options ensures that it doesn’t just feel good but looks good too.

User Reviews and Testimonials

Satisfied users of the Osaki OS-3D Otamic LE Massage Chair echo its exceptional benefits. Sarah M., a busy professional, attests to the rejuvenating experience: “After a long day at work, sinking into the Osaki OS-3D Otamic LE Massage Chair is pure bliss. The zero-gravity feature and SL-Track massage have transformed my relaxation routine.”


Incorporating the Osaki OS-3D Otamic LE Massage Chair into your home redefines relaxation. Its innovative features, from the 3D Ergonomic SL-Track massage to the zero-gravity experience, ensure a luxurious and therapeutic escape. Visit a massage chair stores near you and consider making this investment in your well-being and experience the ultimate in-home relaxation.

Considering adding a slice of luxury to your living space? The Osaki OS-3D Otamic LE massage chair might just be what you’re looking for.

Exploring the Role of Exercise in Increasing Testosterone Levels

Regular strength training exercises can stimulate testosterone production timesofisrael. Incorporating regular strength training exercises into your fitness routine is a key factor. Studies have shown that engaging in resistance or weightlifting exercises can significantly increase testosterone levels in both men and women.

Strength training involves working out with weights or using resistance machines to target specific muscle groups. By challenging your muscles through resistance,you create an environment that promotes the release of testosterone. This hormone plays a crucial role in exercise performance,muscle growth,and overall physical well-being.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) has been shown to boost testosterone levels effectively. If you’re looking for an exercise method that can give your testosterone levels a significant boost,high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is worth considering. HIIT involves short bursts of intense exercise followed by brief recovery periods.

Multiple studies have demonstrated the positive impact of HIIT on increasing testosterone production. This type of workout stimulates hormonal responses that promote muscle building and fat burning while optimizing hormone balance. Incorporating HIIT sessions into your weekly routine can help you maximize the benefits of increased testosterone levels.

Compound exercises like squats,deadlifts,and bench presses are particularly beneficial for increasing testosterone release. Compound exercises involve multiple joints and muscle groups working together simultaneously. These movements require more effort from your body,leading to greater hormonal responses compared to isolated exercises.

Squats,deadlifts,bench presses,and other compound exercises have been found to be particularly effective at stimulating testosterone production due to their overall demand on the body’s musculature. By incorporating these compound movements into your strength training routine,you can optimize your workouts for increased testosterone release.

Consistent physical activity helps maintain healthy hormone balance in both men and women. Regular physical activity is not only vital for maintaining overall health but also plays a crucial role in hormone balance. Engaging in consistent exercise helps regulate testosterone levels,ensuring they remain within a healthy range.

Exercise not only stimulates testosterone production but also promotes the overall well-being of your endocrine system. By maintaining an active lifestyle,you can support healthy hormonal function and optimize your body’s ability to produce and utilize testosterone effectively.

Combining exercise with natural testosterone boosters can yield even better results. While exercise alone can have a positive impact on your testosterone levels,combining it with natural testosterone boosters can enhance the results further. Natural supplements such as ashwagandha,fenugreek,and D-aspartic acid have been shown to support healthy testosterone production.

When used in conjunction with regular exercise,these natural testosterone boosters can provide an additional edge in optimizing your hormone levels. However,it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating any new supplements into your routine to ensure they are safe for you.